Purpose Through Connection
Remember when your were a child and you would dream of what you’d become, how tall you’d be, how many friends you’d have, what kind of house you could afford, when you’d find the love of your life, and how large of a family you’d have? I distinctly remember wanting to be a teacher, a doctor, an actress, a singer and of course a mother. I many times pondered what life had in store for me and always imagined that I’d live a full, long life in which my dreams and aspirations would all come true through hard work and dedication to all that I set my mind to.
Why is it that children have the will and tenacity to hope for their future while adults take each day given to them for granted and lose this magical ability to dream themselves into a new reality? Why do adults settle for the mundane and lose sight of the possibilities the world has to offer? Perhaps our dreams aren’t achievable, or maybe we are afraid to reach out for them. Or, potentially we are on this Earth for something completely different or unexpected – a purpose.
A very debated topic; why are we here, and do we have an individual purpose? Could all 8 billion of us be designed to have a singular path? I never thought of myself as someone that was worthy. What did I have to give humanity? I’ve always been an introverted, unsure of herself, non-assertive person who believed that authority was always correct and that those that were boastful must be right.
But my perspective completely changed once I started to realize that my singular, small voice does matter and could positively affect humanity. Love Your Buns was created through a pure love for those that I’ve never met, the young that have been defenseless, and those that have been voiceless. I knew deep down that once I let go and allowed my voice to be heard, this journey would lead me to connect to the most wonderful people and wonderful community. I knew that I could no longer bury this disease and pretend that my diagnosis was a lie. And I knew that others may be in the middle of the same struggle.
Cancer Doesn’t Discriminate
This is not a disease resigned to an older population. Cancer strikes those that are in perfect health, it can grab hold of a young mother, a college student that has just decided which studies to major in and a child that is just beginning life. I’m here to tell you that every young onset story originates from the same roots. We all have symptoms that are ignored several times and we all have to rely on our own instincts and become our own advocates. We are diagnosed at late stage disease. We are dying!
Use our Facebook Frame to help spread awareness!
I have now found my purpose in life. My purpose is to connect. Connect patients to resources, connect caregivers to one another for comfort, connect with medical professional to change the trajectory of this deadly disease. I will not stop advocating for myself and all of you. We will end this disease in our lifetime. We must!
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Stand up, speak up, advocate, encourage, and love others!
I request, no, I urge you to show up in March. Let’s bring a level of awareness that won’t be ignored. Let’s insist that all know the signs of colorectal cancer and move past the stigma to save someone you love.
Throughout the month of March, Love Your Buns will be highlighting patient, caregiver, and survivor stories. Read, share and absorb these stories. We will also have a Facebook frame available to apply to your profile picture. Stand up, speak up, advocate, encourage, and love others. Let’s give a full life of dreams, hope, desires, and aspirations back to the voiceless. You could be their difference!
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