Care Bag Donations to Cancer Patients at the Fargo VA Hospital
Pictured from left: Jarod DCamp (Chair, LYB), Sara DCamp (Exec Director, LYB), Natalie Carlson (Director, LYB), Jessica Hed (Chief Voluntary Service, Fargo VA Health Care System)
It brings me so much joy to give back to cancer patients in our community. Thank you for your continued support which enables our programs! - Sara DCamp
Because of YOUR generous donations to Love Your Buns, the LYB team were able to gift 40 veteran cancer patients at the Fargo VA Hospital with care packages during the 2020 holiday season.
On the Love Your Buns Facebook page, the team states:
We are blessed to be able to serve our community and spread some cheer to our heroes
The care bags included a variety of items aiming to make treatment more tolerable and comfortable, including lotion, playing cards, puzzle books, neck pillows, and more.
If you would like to help Love Your Buns make a difference in your community, you can start by letting us know on our volunteer signup form. If you would like to support our programs monetarily, you can donate to LYB on this website, or you can even setup your own Facebook fundraiser for Love Your Buns at
The LYB team and Fargo VA staff unloading donated care bags on a cold December morning